Dear Pastor
We started attending the church a year ago. Last year sometime in August we attended Ps Joseph session. During the session, we remembered he said that “some people will be blessed from left to right and some wouldn’t even know they are pregnant…’. At that time, we didn’t think Ps Joseph was referring to us. As our business recovered rapidly, less than 3 weeks later we found out that Amy was pregnant. It was totally unexpected. But God had prepared us spiritually for this baby and we knew that the baby is a blessing from GOD and that from our `recent dreams’, its going to be a baby boy.Two weeks ago, Am was in her 7th month of pregnancy. After attending the Sunday service, something just prompted us to do some shopping for the delivery. That night we were all very tired but could not sleep. Again God just prompted us to pack our clothing for the hospital.At about 10.00pm at night Am experienced some mild abdominal pain. However, the pain did not go off but slowly getting more intense. We thought that abdominal pain is normal. We were all very tired and decided to sleep it off as the doctor’s appointment is on the following day. However, E prayed for guidance and felt GOD saying “Go to the hospital now”. Fortunately, we obeyed and took the bag that we have packed and drove to the hospital.It turn out that Am was having contraction. At the hospital, Am’s obstetrician (doctor) tried to stop the contraction for two days by using drug and drip. Throughout the two days, Am was having contraction but no opening of the cervix. Doctor was administering drips to stop the contraction and also a kind of drug to stimulate the baby lung to mature rapidly. We managed to administered all 3 doses of drug. Am was praying hard and ask GOD to stop the contraction so that she can go home.On Tuesday morning, the contraction became intense and Am’s cervix was softening (going to open). Am’s doctor said whether we like it or not the baby will come and there is nothing he can do to stop it. We were afraid that our baby is not able to survive as at this age his tiny lung are not mature yet. Seeing the doctor and midwives worried look add more fear in us. We managed to get Pat and he prayed for us. We were praying throughout the morning while waiting to be ceasered at 1.30pm. By the time, they rolled Amy into the operation theatre, her fear disappeared. She was at complete peace. She sensed that Jesus was with her throughout the morning. After the obstetrician had done the incision and took the baby out, the doctors jumped with joy. Our baby pediatrician ran to Am and said “your baby is fine, his is able to cry which means his lung is working and amazingly he got a good size (2.38kg)”. Our baby was estimated to be at about 2kg. An additional 380g for a pre-term baby is very significant. For pre-term baby, the ability of their lung to function and their size determine their chances to survive.After the doctor cleared up the placenta, he found that Am had a growth in her ovary which was not able to detect through the normal scanning. The growth was successfully removed.If Am did not had a contraction on that Sunday, the growth can be harmful to the baby as he grow bigger at the 8th and 9th month. GOD had it all planned out. We were really touch by the love of GOD. First, HE gave us a baby, HE ensure that the baby is safe and HE safe Am’s life. Am’s family tree had a record of cervical and ovary cancer from the past three generations. If the growth were not removed, Am could be the next one who will be suffering from cancer. GOD even look after the tiniest details such as ensuring that we pack our clothing and a good confinement lady to look after our baby post delivery.We have yet to find a word to describe the goodness of GOD. We learned from this experience to rely and rest in GOD
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