Daniel Big Boy

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Feeding Blues

Daniel has been feeding on pre-enfalac, a formula milk for preterm babies. But now that he is 4kg+ and 40 weeks, Anne has suggested that he should switch to the normal formula milk. Well, we did, and guess what. He doesn't like it one bit. He keeps spitting and spooting out milk. We now tried to feed him a mixture, but the minute he detected some difference with the milk, he will reject the teat outright. Am coax him...long and hard to swallow tops 2oz. His normal consumption ranges from 2.5 to 3 oz every 2 hours.Another noticeable phenomenon is that he is more awake at night than during the day. And I noticed his consciousness was getting longer each week. He sleeps almost 24 hours when he came home and now Irene complains that she has sleepless night. This is fine for me as I do not sleep much during the night anyway. Irene is still around for this month only and we will have to cope after Irene leaves by end of this month.Daniel just poo-poo big a moment ago, and I was having my dinner. Am said `Sorry, I have to bath him now' and I replied `its ok, I am used to it...' Sometimes I munch stuff while doing some heavy biz in the toilet, the efficiency expert doing two things at the same time. Nonetheless, this is the first time Am is bathing Daniel (other times were done by Irene) and I prudently standby for assistance. Em also participated actively in getting the towels, water etc. Am actually used a totally brand new diaper while she does the mopping up operation. The old one was totally soiled. I think she should have used clean papers as a base. What a waste. I think she is trying finish the S size which we have 100 pieces more and Daniel has outgrown it. He is using M size.Daniel is big compared to when he was born. His head is the size of a young coconut. And I could hold him with more confidence now and even walk around with him. Em is aghast at that behaviour..`You will drop him'.`Well I didn't drop you did I'...but Em is not so confident with me. Well, confidence have to start from somewhere. I told Am that I will feed baby at night. She is more encouraging.


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