Daniel Big Boy

Monday, February 27, 2006

A Prodigy in The Making?

Is my Dan a baby genius?

I found him responding to concepts of words and objects. I mean the first sign is princess - wow wow is associated with our golden retriever `princess'. He knew where to look and would look around for Princess every time that words is mentioned. He would prop-up his head to see if the dog is around and it would never fail to silent his amidst of howls, or gaping his mouth to be `conveniently' fed when doggy is around (or mentioned). Now, he has conclusive showed that he can associated the word car or rabbit with the icon on his t-shirt. He would look down to his t-shirt and point at the object. I do not have conclusive proof due to insufficient empirical observations at the moment to say for sure he knows a car is car or a rabbit is the bunny that appears on the t-shirt but i shall conduct more experiments. He has yet to mentioned mama or papa but Em insisted that che-che is mentioned (big sister) by Dan. Am is forewarning me that we may have a superkid at hand and we have to prepare the financial resource to allow it to blossom. Talk about motivation (or pressure on over-eager parents). Well, business wise, it is improving with major restructing happening. Should be an interesting decade to live in.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The drummer and gadget kid

Dan nows crawly steadily. He have a penchant on tits (dad's unfortunately) and would see my tummy as a drum. Except he beats thems enthusistically without the stick. He looks the power switch. Despite putting safety caps, he unplug them and switch the on-off endlessly. He has the whole space downstairs at home and he would crawl from one end to the other almost effortlessly. He doesn't slip and fall although we were worried that without a carpet he may injure himself. We got him a walker and he has fun (and so we have rest, momentarily).I felt more guilty now that Dan has more time with Josie and us in general and me in particular. I am out most of the day (Starbuck) and night (PM) that there was little actual time together despite being in the same house. He sleeps with Josie but I am insistent that he sleep with us but his midnight feeding needs did not make it easy as Am is mostly busy and needed the rest at night. So it is only weekend that Dan is with us. Then I have my saturday functions. I must put a stop to all this and look at it healthily.I often carry him and murmured my pledge to do well to take good care of him. But all he needed is my time.

A Difficult Night

He is having a such as sleepness night yesterday. Refusing to sleep even though he is obviously tired. Fortunately there is Josie. We tried the bread at 12am he took it. He must have been hungry. I am worried about his weight. 9kg I think but he looks the same. Temperamental and he just doesn't look excited enough when he sees me. Maybe he just woke up.