Daniel Big Boy

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Daniel is 7kg

Daniel is a cool baby that always smiles whenever he sees mum or dad. Now, caring for him during the week day is Joycee, our baby sitter who is simply great at looking after Daniel.Daniel looks chubby and was recently baptised. During his baptism, the prophetic word given was that he will grew up excelling in athletic and sports. I know that based on my current fitness I am in big trouble and would have to stay in better shape to keep up later with him. His feeding was a really worry for the past few weeks when he reject milk; pre emfalac and emfalac AR. We even tried baby cereal and finally relief to discover that he accepts emfalac a+, a formula that he rejects months earlier.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Responding to toys

Daniel is now learning to grab toys. This morning we put a colourful baby toy near him. He tried to reach out to the toy. Unfortunately he is not able to crawl yet. He is also moving his head towards the direction of our voices. We bought him a musical gym set. He does not seem to be too keen. Maybe the music is too confusing for him. He seems to be attracted to colourful toys.

The Magic of Anti-Colic

Daniel is 7 weeks now. He is feeling much better after administering 6 doses (maximum dose) of Dentinox (anti colic drop). Dr Chandlier instructed that Daniel is to be given 6 doses for 2 days, followed by 3 or 4 doses. We have to feed him 2 hourly of 2 1/2 oz instead of 3 hourly feed of 3 1/2 - 4 oz. After one week of severe colic and not been able to sleep well, Irene by now is like a Zombie. Only last night she had some sleep as baby is sleeping much better. However, we have to let baby sleep on his stomach against the advise of many midwives. Research has also revealed that SID is more prone due to this. To avoid this, Irene, mom and dad take turn to watch baby. We watch him like a hawk. Sis did not participate as she is preparing for he mid term assessment. By this morning, Daniel is able to turn his head from left to right without much problem.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Difficult moments

Daniel has been having some problems lately. He vomit most of what he consumes. He is not sleeping well and he did not poo-poo for almost 2 days.Dr Foo says he is OK and the charts show that Daniel is the highest percentile in terms of length and circumference of the head and 75 percentile in terms of weight (4.7kg). Nothing to worry after we rushed Daniel to his clinic when Irene called to say that baby has been crying non-stop and having cold sweat. Dr Foo also advice the pre-term formula be administered until he is 6 months. Fortunately we were able to return Enfalac A and restock pre-enfalac.Baby is sleeping now and appeared to be recovering from his difficult times but we were warned that it will continue till he is 4 months old.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Ek and The Whak

Daniel has developed a very predictable sound to demand for his feed. Not only is he very precise in the 3-hour interval feeding routine., he would begin with an ek. and followed 20 seconds later with another ek. He will keeping ekking for at least 6 times. The volume always began with a squeek (ek sound like an unoiled door in my parent's room). If he was not fed by then (no amount of soothing help...its milk or your life) his ek will almost suddenly stop and like the tsumani, wailed out torrential WHAK. By then pandemonium erupted with mum on a bee-line for the formula with the right temperature and the rest of us running for cover.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Just a scratch only-lah

Daniel just return from an emergency visit to the clinic nearby. Apparently, mum realized while bathing him, that he not only had 3 scratch marks, his forehead appeared to be swollen. This is 8.45pm and Dr Chua closes at 9pm. Never mind Dad made a phone call, and Doctor say he will wait. After examining him, and a few questions (vomit? no..feeding?.OK, behaviour?...as usual) doctor pronounced that there's nothing to worry, and Daniel did not suffer anything serious. Relief for mum dad, sis...especially confinement lady.And another good news, Daniel weight 4.5kg!!! Doctor Chua (who incidentally came to Daniel's full moon) discharge Daniel without charging!!!Free service. Wow, first time...this doctor is definitely our best friend.Mum, now at home, puzzled `how come it look swollen at home'but no so in the clinic'.She look around and decided it was a trick of the light.Mothers....ehhhhmmmmm always panic for nothing. It this case ...small thing only-lah.

My brother

I am Daniel's sister.Today is my first day feeding my brother and caring him standing up.I moved left , right ,up and down and while my mother is making milk I hold him up and put him on a pillow.Usually my mother would take him from my hand but this time I put him on to my mother's hand. My mum and dad were not even looking at me.My dad was on the computer and my mother was making milk.I always wanted to carry my brother standing up.For this I want to thank God for supporting me while I was carrying my brother.I did not even drop him.This is an experience.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Feeding Blues

Daniel has been feeding on pre-enfalac, a formula milk for preterm babies. But now that he is 4kg+ and 40 weeks, Anne has suggested that he should switch to the normal formula milk. Well, we did, and guess what. He doesn't like it one bit. He keeps spitting and spooting out milk. We now tried to feed him a mixture, but the minute he detected some difference with the milk, he will reject the teat outright. Am coax him...long and hard to swallow tops 2oz. His normal consumption ranges from 2.5 to 3 oz every 2 hours.Another noticeable phenomenon is that he is more awake at night than during the day. And I noticed his consciousness was getting longer each week. He sleeps almost 24 hours when he came home and now Irene complains that she has sleepless night. This is fine for me as I do not sleep much during the night anyway. Irene is still around for this month only and we will have to cope after Irene leaves by end of this month.Daniel just poo-poo big a moment ago, and I was having my dinner. Am said `Sorry, I have to bath him now' and I replied `its ok, I am used to it...' Sometimes I munch stuff while doing some heavy biz in the toilet, the efficiency expert doing two things at the same time. Nonetheless, this is the first time Am is bathing Daniel (other times were done by Irene) and I prudently standby for assistance. Em also participated actively in getting the towels, water etc. Am actually used a totally brand new diaper while she does the mopping up operation. The old one was totally soiled. I think she should have used clean papers as a base. What a waste. I think she is trying finish the S size which we have 100 pieces more and Daniel has outgrown it. He is using M size.Daniel is big compared to when he was born. His head is the size of a young coconut. And I could hold him with more confidence now and even walk around with him. Em is aghast at that behaviour..`You will drop him'.`Well I didn't drop you did I'...but Em is not so confident with me. Well, confidence have to start from somewhere. I told Am that I will feed baby at night. She is more encouraging.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Mt brother

Daniel is my brother.I am his elder sister.Daniel is a very cute boy.I prayed for my a baby to come when i was five years old.I can't believe that God remember my prayers and now i'm eight years old.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Daniel is 4kg

Well, our son is 4kg. when Dr Chua weighted him one week after his full moon.We are delighted because our son technically has a full term weight. Although Am is rather worried about his occassional coughing, Dr Chua declares that his lung is clear. Wow 4kg. When I carry him, he feels heavy. Today, Daniel basically sleep much during the day but at night he is awake, to Irene (confinement lady) chagrin. Only yesterday night, I heard Daniel cried loudly and I found him resisting the feed. I told Irene that the milk could be to hot. She don't think so. I was rather unhappy at first because I feel I should have insisted on the reducing the temperature. By the 3rd time I barged into Irene's room, baby has accepted the milk.Am and I , together with Em decided to keep a blog to talk about our experience with Daniel.